Author Archives: Admin

No Barriers With God

To receive anything from God we must know:

  • What is available
  • How to receive it
  • What to do with it after we received
  • Needs and wants must be in balance
  • God’s ability equals His willingness

Not Knowing what is available and that God is willing to supply our needs is a barrier, but a barrier in our own minds. We therefore must go to the Word of God and find out what is available and also God’s great desire to hear and answer our prayers.

Then we can believe and act accordingly. And then we can receive.

Not having God work with us in our lives is a barrier, but one that can be remedied! This short podcast should help you along the way.

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Here are a few verses for you:

  • Matthew 21:22
  • Romans 5:1, 2
  • Psalm 5:3
  • Psalm 16:11
  • Proverbs 3:5, 6

What is the Communion Memorial?

What is the Communion Memorial?  Why is it done?  What is it supposed to accomplish?  What is the difference between doing it in the Old Testament vs today?

In this teaching we take a look at its beginning, the meaning and significance of the two parts, the broken body and the shed blood, and the full deliverance from physical issues that we have because of Jesus Christ’s physical torture.

Jesus Christ was THE Passover Lamb, he paid for sin and healings once and for all.

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Here are a few verses for you:

  • John 1:29
  • I Peter 2:24
  • I Corinthians 5:7
  • Acts 2:38
  • I Corinthians 11:23-30

Confess Now!

Confess Now means to say with your mouth, while you believe in your heart, what the Word of God promises. “Confess” literally means “to speak the same thing”. When our mouths and hearts speak the same thing as God’s Word we then have power.

Answered prayers require believing. God cannot believe for us. We must control our thinking to confess and believe the Word of God in order to unlock the power that brings answered prayer.

We need to learn what God has promised us, the good that He desires for our lives. Learning of His love to us and then confessing the Word will bring answers and deliverance to our lives.

Listen to my podcast

Here are a few verses for you:

  • III John 2
  • II Peter 1:3
  • I John 4:4
  • Philippians 4:19
  • Hebrews 11:1

Your Power of Attorney

Your Power of Attorney to use the name of Jesus Christ enables you to walk with the full power and authority behind that name. Power for what? For the more abundant life, for your needs being met, for physical and mental healing — for whatever is promised to you in God’s Word.

Believers in the 1st Century Church, which began in Acts chapter 2, utilized this power to such an extent that perhaps the world has not seen its equal since. Has God changed? No. The power in the name of Jesus Christ has been given to believers to use. Why? Because Christ is not present but believers are, therefore the power of attorney means he has given you the right to use his name, today.

Why would God to this? He wants you blessed, He wants you walking with power and efficacy in this life.

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Here are a few verses for you:

  • I John 5:13-15
  • Ephesians 1:18-23
  • Acts 3:6, 7
  • Philippians 4:19
  • Colossians 3:17

Discover the Goodness of God

In order to discover the goodness of God we need to go to His Word. Just as people “discover” one another via words, whether conversation, emails, or texts, God had His Word written so we could discover Him and learn of His goodness to mankind.

Too often man may say “this is what God says and means”, and as a young boy I listened but did not check the Bible, God’s Word, to see if what I as being told was true. And sometimes these comments were completely opposite of what God’s Word actually does say.

We need to discover the goodness of God so we can see His love to us and claim His promises in our lives. Having an incorrect or negative view of God hurts our ability to believe Him. He has given us all good things freely.

It may surprise you to learn that to “repent” does not mean “confess your sins”.

Listen to my podcast

Here are a few verses on God’s goodness:

  • II Peter 1:3
  • John 10:10
  • Romans 3:21-24
  • Matthew 21:22
  • I Peter 2:24

How Not To Be Anxious

We will learn keys on how not to be anxious. Anxiety is a type of fear. Anxiety chokes, it takes away joy from daily living, it keeps one in a state of agitation and nervousness. This is not how God intended for us to live.

A first key on how not to be anxious is to learn and believe that God cares for us and God has provided for us. Period. If we have our needs met — whether it be clothing, shelter, money, health — we have fewer things to fret about. If we know and believe that we have ‘someone’, God, to go to in time of need, we can live with an assurance and confidence in life.

Claiming and enjoying what God has provided requires believing. John 10:10 says that Jesus Christ came to give us life, and give it more abundantly.

Listen to my podcast

Here are a few verses on how not to be anxious:

  • Philippians 4:6, 7
  • Matthew 6:30
  • Psalm 1:1-3
  • Matthew 21:22
  • I John 4:4

Answered Prayer

Answered prayer is fulfilling and life-changing, an unanswered prayer can leave us with doubts and wondering if God heard us or simply ignored us. In order to get prayers answered we need to know how to pray and what we can pray for.

We first must find what what is available. We must be convinced that God wants to answer our prayers, and so we must go to His Word and find out what he has promised.

When we pray we need to believe. God does not want us to beg HIm. He has given us all our needs through His son Jesus Christ. But often people ignore God until something bad happens — and yet He asks us to prove Him be believing His Word each day, for all of our needs. Answered prayer leads to a blessed life!

Keys to answered prayers:

  1. What is available
  2. How to receive (believing)
  3. What to do with it after you have received
  4. God’s ability equals God’s willingness!
  5. Needs and wants in balance

Listen to my podcast

Here are a few verses about answered prayer:

  • Matthew 21:22
  • Philippians 4:19
  • Philippians 4:6
  • Matthew 10:47-52
  • Malachi 3:10

Are you a ‘phobic?

People throw labels on others: ‘homophobic’, ‘transphobic’, maybe even ‘gluten-phobic’. Or perhaps being called a conspiracy theorist or accused of not being politically correct, or they may censor you.

Somehow the right to have one’s own opinion or to respectfully disagree has been lost. Do we blindly accept what people or the main-stream media say is right, or normal? Where should our standards of thought and beliefs come from?

We have a God-given right to our own thoughts and opinions — right or wrong, whether they agree with the trend of the week or popular news channels. Jesus Christ was constantly attacked by the religious hierarchy yet did that make him wrong? The Apostle Paul wrote books of the Bible, given by revelation to him from God, while in prison in Rome.

Learn about being conformed vs. transforming!

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  • Romans 12:2
  • Psalm 119:45
  • Jeremiah 34:17
  • 1 Corinthians 10:29
  • Galatians 2:4

Sin, sins, or both?

Jesus Christ is the complete Redeemer from sin and sins. Are you trying to redeem yourself? You can’t. Confessing ones sins is not the answer either.

What is your idea of repentance? Is it to suffer, get on your knees, feel bad, or be remorseful? If Jesus Christ paid the full price for redemption because we cannot, then why do so many people try to do it on their own by rites or rituals or good works? It is the goodness of God that brought deliverance.

We cannot fully enjoy all of God’s gifts if we walk around in a mental state of sin-consciousness. Learn about the complete remission and forgiveness that was freely given and enjoy a more blessed life !

Listen to my podcast
  • Acts 2:38
  • Romans 5:18
  • I Corinthians 15:22
  • Psalm 103:12
  • Hebrews 4:16

What About Peace?

How important is peace and lack of anxiety to you? Why is the use of anti-depressants so high? How does one live in a world with its share of turmoil and yet remain peaceful and free of anxiety? How do we break out of the prisons that bind us?

There is no true, lasting answer without God, His Word, and His son Jesus Christ. There are many issues in life that can affect one negatively, but God does provide solutions.

Learn more about how God has already given the best kind of peace, and how to claim and use it in your life. God does care and He does want your life to be full of peace.

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  • Isaiah 26:3
  • Proverbs 3:5
  • John 14:27
  • Psalm 4:8
  • Romans 5:1