Author Archives: Steve Burch

Who’s Your Daddy?

Who’s your Daddy? God is much more than the Creator. He also the believer’s Heavenly Father. Since Genesis 1 He has sought fellowship with His greatest creation, man.

What does this mean for the child of God? It means access to His many promises, to His love, to the inheritance He has given to His children.

While our relationship with our biological father can come in many “shapes and sizes”, the relationship with our Heavenly Father is never in doubt. He is more willing to give than we are to receive, and His gifts and love are without limits.

Find out more on what He has given you by His loving grace. Who’s your daddy? God is, if you want.

Listen to my podcast
  • Matthew 6:26
  • Ephesians 1:3
  • Romans 8:32
  • Psalm 25:20
  • John 16:23, 24

What Is Your Prison?

What is your prison? Prisons come in all shapes and sizes other than a physical jail; they many times come in some form of emotional or personal problem and these can be the most debilitating.

God’s Word provides the keys for release from our prisons — it provides answers. It heals. God, the believer’s Heavenly Father, wants to bless us. To know God we need to know His Word, not what man says about His Word.

It is the goodness of God that we need to learn.

Discover how to gain release from your prisons and live more freely, no matter what your prison.

Listen to my podcast
  • Matthew 6:33
  • Ephesians 3:20
  • II Corinthians 5:21
  • Psalm 119:45
  • John 8:32

A Blessed Life

Most everyone wants a blessed life, whether it’s small or large or in-between. We can and should expect blessings daily. Sometimes we are favored with good circumstances, other times with not so good. However God wants us to be blessed each and every day and provides for that in our lives.

To access God’s blessings we must learn the promises that He has given, and then believe to bring them to pass. The healing of Naaman is a great example of someone who literally carried out the promise of God given to him.

How many of God’s promises do you know? They will bring you a blessed life!

Listen to my podcast
  • John 10:10
  • 1st John 4:4
  • Matthew 21:22
  • John 5:39
  • Ephesians 3:20